
Hearty Christian Greetings

Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,
Hearty Christian Greetings From Nakuru, Kenya!
God has blessed our ministry tremendously this year. I have not been able to travel abroad to visit with you this year and have not written often either. But God has done a lot for us and with us right here in Africa. In a nutshell I wanted to brief you on some of the things the Lord has done here often in the midst many hardships, hindrances and obstacles. Let us give Him all the Praise and Glory. For His Mercy Endures for ever.
One: All the cases filed in courts against us have either fizzled out or just gone unprosecuted.
Two: The daily gospel campaigns at the Nakuru City Square have continued unhampered and many people have come to Christ as a result of that.
Three: God has given us adequate rains after a prolonged period of severe drought and famine.There has been a harvest in many areas and food is now generally available.
Four: Our Team made a very successful Missionary Journey to Tanzania, where we ministered to Pastors and Church leaders in the cities of Tarime, Musoma and Mwanza on the shores of Lake Victoria.
Five: A powerful General Convention was held here at Charismata Revivals Center, Nakuru in August and our People came from all parts of this country and we received delegations from as far away as Uganda and Tanzania. It was a time of refreshment and feasting in the presence of the Lord. Ten New Ministers were ordained into the ministry and more than 120 new Believers were baptised in Water at the convention.
Six: Thank God for provision of land and the completion of a new church roof at Eldama Ravine.
Seven: Many large scale evangelistic Crusades have been conducted this year resulting in the establishment of five brand new churches in Eldoret, Ravine, Bungoma, Mombasa and Malindi. This is nothing but just the hand of the Lord at work. Our God Reigns!
Many thanks to all our Partners and Friends for believing in us and standing firmly behind us with prayers of faith and the financial support for Africa to be saved. We love you and appreciate you. Our labors are no in vain in the Lord! Please remember to include us in your Missions Budget for 2007 as we still have much more work to do together in partnership with you to the glory of God. We are laborers together with God and with you.
Please send your Tax Deductible Missions Support and other donations to this ministry through our Stateside Office address as follows:
Musa Njuguna Ministries Inc.
P.O. Box 1228,
Tel. 409 722 1962
May God bless you richly and we appreciate hearing from you too. Thanks Again.
Your Brother and Friend In Christ.
Bishop Dr. Musa Njuguna
General Overseer
Charismata Revivals Network Kenya
And President Musa Njuguna Ministries, USA.